Company Profile
3-6-18 Higashigotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
代表取締役 城内 正昭
Representative Director Masaaki Kiuchi
創業 平成13年5月
Founded May 2001
資本金 2300万円
Capital 23 million yen
宅地建物取引業 東京都知事(5)第81497号
Real estate transaction business Tokyo Governor (5) No. 81497
公益社団法人 全国宅地建物取引業保証協会 所属
Belongs to the National Real Estate Transaction Guarantee Association,
a public interest incorporated association.
MAIL info@coco-home.net
Basic policy for personal information protection
当社は、不動産業を通じ情報サービスを提供しております。 全てのお客様に安心してお付き合い頂くために、 本サービスを通じてお預かりしております個人情報を安全に管理することが至上命題であると考え、 プライバシー保護を当社の企業活動における社会的責任と捉えています。 当社はこの責任を果たしていくために、以下の個人情報保護方針を定め、個人情報の適正な取り扱い、維持、管理に誠心誠意努めます。
Our company provides information services through our real estate business. In order to ensure that all our customers can interact with us with peace of mind, we believe that it is paramount to safely manage the personal information we receive through this service, and we view privacy protection as a social responsibility in our corporate activities. I am. In order to fulfill this responsibility, our company has established the following personal information protection policy and strives to handle, maintain, and manage personal information in a sincere manner.
1. subject
Our company applies this protection policy regarding the protection of personal information related to information services.
当社は、皆様の個人情報に関して、ご本人の同意なく無断で収集・利用することはありません。 同意いただいた場合でも、あくまで同意を得た範囲内で且つ当社が定めた利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内でのみ使用し、 当該個人情報は同意がある場合、法律上要求されている場合及び利用目的の達成に必要となる範囲内で委託する場合を除いて、第三者に提供いたしません。
2. Collection, use and provision of personal information Our company will not collect or use your personal information without your consent. Even if consent is obtained, the personal information will only be used within the scope of consent and within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use set by the company, and the personal information will only be used with consent, when required by law, and when required by law. We will not provide your information to third parties, except when entrusted to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
当社の保有する個人情報は厳重に管理されています。 個人情報への不正アクセスや個人情報の盗難、紛失、破壊、改ざん、漏洩(ろうえい)等を防ぐため、個人情報の保存・管理・廃棄ルールの徹底、社内ルールを定めて徹底し、 その予防に努めます。
3. Security of personal information Personal information held by our company is strictly managed. In order to prevent unauthorized access to personal information and theft, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information, rules for storing, managing, and disposing of personal information are thoroughly established, and internal rules are established and thoroughly enforced. I will try my best.
4. Compliance with laws and internal regulations Our company strives to comply with various laws and regulations regarding personal information and regulations established by the competent authorities.
5. Response to complaints and consultations If we receive a complaint or consultation from you or another person regarding our handling of personal information, we will respond in good faith and improve the way we handle personal information as necessary.
代表取締役社長 城内 正昭
当社におきましては、情報サービスを通じご本人からお預かりした個人情報を、当社商品・サービスのご案内、サービスの提供、個人認証等のために利用させていただきます。 その他の利用目的において利用する場合には、利用目的が明白である場合を除いては、ご本人からの取得の都度、利用目的を明示させていただきます。
[Publication matters regarding personal information]
1. Company name COCO HOME Co., Ltd.
2. Person responsible for personal information protection Representative Director and President Masaaki Shirouchi
3. Matters regarding publication of purpose of use of personal information Our company uses personal information received from individuals through our information services for purposes such as providing information on our products and services, providing services, and personal authentication. When using personal information for other purposes, we will clearly indicate the purpose of use each time we obtain the information from the person, unless the purpose of use is clear.
4. Collection of personal information through unrecognizable means In order to improve convenience, this service may automatically obtain and use cookies recorded on the web server used by the user.
5. Matters regarding retained personal data The customer information obtained when we receive inquiries from customers using the email inquiry form will be used only for the purposes of identity verification, responding to inquiries, sending various information, and providing other services.
6. Provision of personal information to third parties Our company will not provide personal information to a third party without obtaining the prior consent of the individual, unless permitted by law.
当社では、保有する個人情報のご本人から個人情報の利用目的の通知、開示、内容の訂正、追加又は削除、利用の停止、 消去及び第三者への提供の停止(以下まとめて「開示等」といいます)があった場合には、係る個人情報がデータベース化され長期保有することが予定されている場合であって、
7. Procedures related to requests for disclosure, etc.
At our company, we will notify the individual of the purpose of use of the personal information we hold, disclose it, correct the content, add or delete it, stop using it, erase it, and stop providing it to a third party (hereinafter collectively referred to as "disclosure, etc."). "), if such personal information is planned to be compiled into a database and retained for a long period of time,
If the Company has the authority to disclose, etc., the Company complies with the disclosure after confirming the legal basis.
I'll eat it.
( 1 ) 開示等の求めの対象となる項目
5 に記載の個人情報に係るすべて
( 2 ) 開示等の求めのお申し出先
〒 141-0022東京都品川区東五反田3-6-18
TEL 03-4400-8586 FAX 03-4400-9041
( 3 ) 開示等に際して提出する書面・手数料
( 4 ) ご本人確認
送付願います。 また代理人によるご連絡の場合には代理関係を証明する書類を共に送付願います。
( 5 ) 回答方法
(1) Items subject to requests for disclosure, etc. Everything related to personal information listed in 5.
(2) Where to make requests for disclosure, etc. 3-6-18 Higashigotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0022 TEL 03-4400-8586 FAX 03-4400-9041
(3) Documents and fees to be submitted for disclosure, etc. Our company has not established a specific format to be used for disclosure, etc. In addition, our company We do not charge any fees.
(4) Identity verification When disclosing information, etc., please provide a copy of your photo ID such as a driver's license or passport to confirm your identity. Please send it to me. If you are contacting us through a representative, please also send documents proving the agency relationship.
(5) How to answer
As a general rule, we will respond in writing.